# following code are for ftp download/upload files
from ftplib import *
import os
ftp = FTP("ftpaddress")
("ftpaddress") # login ftp server
ftppath = ftp.cwd("directionary") # cd to directionary which you need do some operation
print ftppath
ftpfolder = ("directionary") # list the files in this directionary, return is a list
ftpdir = ("directionay") # return the detailed information of this directionary, return is a string
print ftpfolder
print ftpdir
("filename") # delete a file in this directionary
f = open("a file and directionary in locate PC", 'w') # create a file under certain directionary in locate and open with write enable
ftp.retrbinary('RETR + filename', f.write) # ftp download the file to locate directionary
bufsize = 1024
filename = "locate directionary with file need to upload"
file_open= open(filename, "rb")
ftp.storbinary("STOR + filename", file_open,bufsize) # ftp upload file into ftp server
() # ftp quit after work done
() # close file
2. 总结
ftp下载和上传文件的流程是创建ftp连接,登录ftp,cd到需要操作的路径,如果是下载需要在本地创建一个文件并以write enable方式打开/如果是上传文件需要在本地以'rb'方式打开,执行下载/上传命令, 退出ftp,关闭文件。
3. 注意
和 的区别,两者返回的值不同, 前者是list, 后者是string。